Sunday, October 6, 2013

Foundations 6

 Specialization The Double Edge Sword

If I lived in the woods alone it would be life sustaining to be proficient at certain skills. Growing food, hunting, building shelters... hence there is variation built into these basic life sustaining jobs from the very start. Specialization is a necessity and life sustaining function.

The theory was that specialization could only grow to become the number one system for all. The basic set  life skills could now be farmed out to others. The trouble was no one thought that there could be a downside to all the promise of good that specialization archived. In short specialization is a fruit vine out of control or like a child not kept in check. Painful to prune the vine or discipline the child but so very necessary.

What is it that would grow neglected by the farming out of skills? Why is it that ones life focus should grow to become so narrow? What is the danger of ones life becoming too narrow? Limiting the scope of your vision is walking down the road toward blindness. Farther and farther limiting choices. Becoming more and more cog- like in the grand societal machine...ever narrowing in function and scope. Does this sound familiar?  Can not you reach deep down in inside yourself and feel that something is wrong?    

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