Thursday, October 31, 2013


Leveling a term for making all equal.

In a depressed and deprived society there exist a lot of unhappiness. It will so happen that someday your neighbor, friend, brother, spouse or whoever will somehow arise into some good fortune. This will in turn make him very happy. He will want to shout it from the roof tops [not the best idea as we know] .

And so the rest of us contemplate: Why should he be happy if the rest of us are not! Why does he deserve to be happy and not me? I work hard and suffer... Where is my reward?!... This causing a re-evaluating of thyself- merited or not- it seems to happen. Hence for every pile of good dirt we accumulate... there is somewhere... a hole in the earth. And if we archive a painting of pure white that makes a painting of dark all the darker.

In that way the  happiness of one shall manifest as sadness and depravation in others. Hence we see the value of modesty as opposed to shouting from the roof tops. And so it is that the many care not about the merit of your achievements or your good fortune...How could they have any proper vision of that? They are not you and will never be you. They lack your frame of reference.

Yes, you have inadvertently caused them to look inward and now they see themselves as lacking.
Now more hurt and deeper in sadness they now search for an escape. So now they look to bring you down... and if in bringing you down  raises them up a bit...all the better!  Hence they go and report you to the group...[the government, the company, the administration, the CEO, the king, and so on] In short anyone with the power to bring you down...The leveling force. They care not about your merit. It is foremost the reduction of their own pain and inadequacy which your success has tormented.                

Friday, October 25, 2013

This was once your picture...Oh... How things have changed.

There is no doubt at all that “thinking” causes you and me to paint the wrong picture! But I hear you say: “That’s silly Bill we can’t stop thinking.”  And I say to you yes and no. There is a time for thinking and a time for doing for and each has its’ place.

You need to accept the fact that you are indeed going to paint the wrong picture with your thoughts...And yes, it would be wrong to try to stops your thoughts. The true errors in the thinking process come in two forms. The first is to assume that your picture is the only picture. The perspectives, views, cameras, and paint brushes are many. And yes, you have a right to your view for it belongs to you. Does it belong to others? The answer is no. It shares commonalities such as the leaves on tress but no two trees are exactly the same. They are different and unique unto themselves.

The second problem is a matter of development. The thoughts of a 5 year old child and the thoughts of an adult do not belong to the same world. One shall be plagued by many trials and tribulations. The other shall have developed competent measures of success. It is foremost the experience of the road traveled...[and this implies???....] And yes, any words and reasoning will be of little value for those worlds are truly different and separate by necessity. Hence smiles and walls maybe the only and best form of communication between the a adult and the child. Hence it is a matter of development...that road traveled, that water under the bridge.

** So don’t stop thinking...Always know that there are new and different perspectives.
Know that you picture is not prefect...Know and understand that it is foremost unperfect and
that "walking the path" is always better than running the mouth. **   

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Practice is -

And so I go back to proverbs or simple sayings...How often is the simple neglected?! I know with confidence that it is a lack of practice that sinks us every time. Repeat after me:
Practice is Everything...! In every sense of the word. Anyone who proclaims that you should retain and have mastery with “ a single coat of paint” is a fool. The teacher, the spouse, the boss,
the preacher all say “Did you not hear my words the first time??!!” Self evident only unto themselves... They understand not the true value of repetition. Never in school in their lives did they not hear and comprehend all the words that were spoken to them!.. Why is this societal flaw constantly perpetuated time and time again.

 As a teacher I have learned to expect and force questions. They are in fact just the beginning sparks of interest. It is my job to fan and fan and fan them into a flame of learning...
And yes again that flame aways need more wood! It’s a continuing and ongoing process and nothing less. And yes there are some who get it the first time through. Their ears perhaps better attuned than others and they are not the many as one would think. But getting and perfecting are miles apart and practice is the only guarantee that the required knowledge is maintained close at hand when needed.

**Listening is only a sign that the ears are accepting words. Understanding is the manifestation of a work in progress and nothing less**           

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Modern Money Fallacy

The modern money fallacy

You do not eliminate money problems by acquiring more money, hence pouring more sand into a bag with holes in the bottom is a “container problem” and not a sand -problem... And who is it that is fundamentally responsible for those holes- those holes which your hard earned money constantly pours? You can’t figure out what the holes are? ...and how to close them? Is it that you have been led astray? Is not the equation: Close the holes and the money accumulates???

So it is that you are on the road to fortune. The rich say “Our supply of sand is so large that we need not worry about any holes in our bags”. “Hence our leasure is so great we now seek to make the holes in our bags even larger as in a competition”...and yes my coffee table is now larger and more opulent  than yours! Somehow I fail to see this train of thought as intelligent...More so another form of ignorance?...

 Final note: You need to find, and control those holes that keep empty your nest egg.
In addition you must farther seek ways in which to close and eliminate those holes in
every way possible. Make no mistake the deck is stacked against you in every way and at every corner. Media, work, friends and even your spouse will work against you in their ignorance.

 You need to stop being your own worst enemy. It’s not easy but you need to resume control of
your destiny...lest you sink.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Buried Dangers in Specialization

The Over Specialized Lone Woodsman...

Let us now envision our modern form of specialization in the life of the “lone woodsman”.

We shall restrict him to the task of only collecting and cutting wood for his fire place. He shall do nothing but collect wood everyday,every week and every month. He now becomes out of balance. The varied  life sustaining jobs like getting food maintaining his shelter are out of the picture and now they are completely neglected. It is written in the book of nature that neglecting of this life balance any of these skills shall end life. So how important is this?

 He now the custodian of and ever growing pile of wood. He now has no food, water and soon will starve. Now let us farther narrow and focus into cutting and gathering only oak trees a particular kind of wood. He now becomes his very own worst enemy. Loosing scope and vision of what life requires he now practices insanity. Now we will farther increase the insanity by adding competing oak tree cutters into the very same woods. We have now increased his difficulties by ten fold. He has been beaten badly before he takes a single step into the woods!

Nature demands a group of skills for life and never just one. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Foundations 6

 Specialization The Double Edge Sword

If I lived in the woods alone it would be life sustaining to be proficient at certain skills. Growing food, hunting, building shelters... hence there is variation built into these basic life sustaining jobs from the very start. Specialization is a necessity and life sustaining function.

The theory was that specialization could only grow to become the number one system for all. The basic set  life skills could now be farmed out to others. The trouble was no one thought that there could be a downside to all the promise of good that specialization archived. In short specialization is a fruit vine out of control or like a child not kept in check. Painful to prune the vine or discipline the child but so very necessary.

What is it that would grow neglected by the farming out of skills? Why is it that ones life focus should grow to become so narrow? What is the danger of ones life becoming too narrow? Limiting the scope of your vision is walking down the road toward blindness. Farther and farther limiting choices. Becoming more and more cog- like in the grand societal machine...ever narrowing in function and scope. Does this sound familiar?  Can not you reach deep down in inside yourself and feel that something is wrong?    

Friday, October 4, 2013

Man Alone -Ubuntu

As I look for support for my convictions it seems that the world itself has come to my aid.
So I now stand in complete conviction that so many are on the wrong road. It’s not about competition. It never was. Competition shouts: “It’s all about me!” “I am better than you!”
It screams of the self alone and as we have seen that equals death and destruction.

(I found this online-  How incredibly apropo!)

An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: ''UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?''~

'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means: "I am because we are"

Apparently this kind of brotherhood is fostered by nature itself if left alone. This kind of behavior of individuals in the present day world is unheard and is shocking...and none can see it for what it really is.
It is so very sad.

 "I AM BECAUSE WE ARE" -How incredibly profound!