Thursday, October 24, 2013

Practice is -

And so I go back to proverbs or simple sayings...How often is the simple neglected?! I know with confidence that it is a lack of practice that sinks us every time. Repeat after me:
Practice is Everything...! In every sense of the word. Anyone who proclaims that you should retain and have mastery with “ a single coat of paint” is a fool. The teacher, the spouse, the boss,
the preacher all say “Did you not hear my words the first time??!!” Self evident only unto themselves... They understand not the true value of repetition. Never in school in their lives did they not hear and comprehend all the words that were spoken to them!.. Why is this societal flaw constantly perpetuated time and time again.

 As a teacher I have learned to expect and force questions. They are in fact just the beginning sparks of interest. It is my job to fan and fan and fan them into a flame of learning...
And yes again that flame aways need more wood! It’s a continuing and ongoing process and nothing less. And yes there are some who get it the first time through. Their ears perhaps better attuned than others and they are not the many as one would think. But getting and perfecting are miles apart and practice is the only guarantee that the required knowledge is maintained close at hand when needed.

**Listening is only a sign that the ears are accepting words. Understanding is the manifestation of a work in progress and nothing less**           

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