Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Death and Rapture

 Death and Rapture

Death and Rapture equal the very same thing = Gone, Taken
Two different methods, processes, paths, roads that equal the very same reality = Gone.

Death and Rapture both stand knee deep in human ignorance...Both incomplete roads.
But human insecurity gives rise to constant reaching...The need for explanation is overwhelming.
“That which gives life meaning”...But again I preach patience...and you know as well as I that Time will reveal all...Once again it is simple: "Gone" can not exist without the words Where and Why.

Look up into the heavens...There is no star that escapes the words Where and Why. Gone is a mere step in a staircase. And Time will deliver you to the next step regardless of your will, "perceived freedom" or whatever. So do look up into the night sky and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there exist wheres and whys beyond your wildest dreams...And slowly the word “Gone” will start to have new meaning.       

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Atheist

An Atheist is like a small bird who lands on an iceberg...It only understands what it sees. By nature it has no resource for comprehending that which can exist in a different an unseen world...Invisible but is supporting and connected.

Remaining intangible and not perceived the supporting undersea ice is far beyond measure for his small mind. Yet what seen and unseen require each other. One cannot exist without the other. Hence a universe with out God is pure nonsense and silly.  

Thursday, November 7, 2013


 There is no such thing as a “black sheep”. The white sheep call him that to justify "their" course. The white sheep say to themselves: “The other "white sheep" are not in defiance to our course and direction. Therefore we label him as an outcast...A  black sheep”... Which separates us from him...Which enables us to think of him as “different”and aberrant because he challenges our way our truth...We have confidence only in the many. For what we truly fear most is being and feeling alone. Our true course is a secondary consideration.

The white sheep shouts: “ Alleluia were all running in the same direction!!!”.The black sheep says... I think that path looks a little dangerous to me. We don’t seem to see or care about the same things here. I think I’ll just go in the opposite direction if you don’t mind. You and you alone choose to run with the crowd come what may. It seems that your choice threatens the black sheeps right to self preservation.   

Monday, November 4, 2013

All In All

All and All...

All and all I have to consider that I may be on the wrong road. What is even worse is to consider
that I may have walked down the wrong road a very long ways. This is something that everyone should consider and keep in the back of your head. Perhaps I am on the right road, but that may not be enough. I may need in fact to journey down the right road more than once. Could I have missed something? Things are not coming together easily. I am not yet able to distinguish form to this path. So I wander in the dark.

I hear you say already in the back of your mind. “Bill this is all relative” And I say to you as a man who walks upon the same earth: Yes, there is a right road that is in fact common to all.
Then you say: Where? Then I say “It alludes you”. “You must work to find it.” It is not in fact different for each as it is in common for all. What one man does well or not is not what one man is. You are in fact much more than that. You constantly sell yourself short of your existence and your abilities. 

Let me set this in very simple terms. When you find the right and correct road you will know it.
It is in fact a glove with the perfect fit. Words will fail to describe it...And yes, language falls short. But you will not fail to recognize it for what it is. It is then that the pieces of the the puzzle
that have alluded you in the past start to grant you vision.

The right and correct path requires first and foremost a journey down it. It is only then that you can tell me of its’ value. Then it is glued to your very being for all time. That’s some pretty heavy stuff
  And so it is he who searches shall someday find. Leave no rock unturned! 

Friday, November 1, 2013


Yes and No really do occupy the very same space.

The country is going to hell. Yes and no.
Gun control is a great evil. Yes and no
Doctors can’t be trusted. Yes and no.
John Smith is an evil person. Yes and no.

The proper view is that two or more realities can and do occupy the same space.
In the very same way that a jar of dirt or earth contains varying degrees of rocks and minerals.
In the very same way reality contains varying measures of truth.

Therfore when you state: “The country is going to hell” Yes, you are correct in that a measure
of the country is going to hell. But there also exist another measure in that, the country is in part
flourishing. They may not in any sense be equal but they are present in their measure.
Your particular perspective may identify one or the other but confirming the measure is different
thing altogether. Hence I have learned to see your views as very valuable in containing  measures of truth...And now you add to my perception of reality in place of standing in obstruction of it. 

This photo represents how two different views occupy the very same space.  

Thursday, October 31, 2013


Leveling a term for making all equal.

In a depressed and deprived society there exist a lot of unhappiness. It will so happen that someday your neighbor, friend, brother, spouse or whoever will somehow arise into some good fortune. This will in turn make him very happy. He will want to shout it from the roof tops [not the best idea as we know] .

And so the rest of us contemplate: Why should he be happy if the rest of us are not! Why does he deserve to be happy and not me? I work hard and suffer... Where is my reward?!... This causing a re-evaluating of thyself- merited or not- it seems to happen. Hence for every pile of good dirt we accumulate... there is somewhere... a hole in the earth. And if we archive a painting of pure white that makes a painting of dark all the darker.

In that way the  happiness of one shall manifest as sadness and depravation in others. Hence we see the value of modesty as opposed to shouting from the roof tops. And so it is that the many care not about the merit of your achievements or your good fortune...How could they have any proper vision of that? They are not you and will never be you. They lack your frame of reference.

Yes, you have inadvertently caused them to look inward and now they see themselves as lacking.
Now more hurt and deeper in sadness they now search for an escape. So now they look to bring you down... and if in bringing you down  raises them up a bit...all the better!  Hence they go and report you to the group...[the government, the company, the administration, the CEO, the king, and so on] In short anyone with the power to bring you down...The leveling force. They care not about your merit. It is foremost the reduction of their own pain and inadequacy which your success has tormented.                

Friday, October 25, 2013

This was once your picture...Oh... How things have changed.

There is no doubt at all that “thinking” causes you and me to paint the wrong picture! But I hear you say: “That’s silly Bill we can’t stop thinking.”  And I say to you yes and no. There is a time for thinking and a time for doing for and each has its’ place.

You need to accept the fact that you are indeed going to paint the wrong picture with your thoughts...And yes, it would be wrong to try to stops your thoughts. The true errors in the thinking process come in two forms. The first is to assume that your picture is the only picture. The perspectives, views, cameras, and paint brushes are many. And yes, you have a right to your view for it belongs to you. Does it belong to others? The answer is no. It shares commonalities such as the leaves on tress but no two trees are exactly the same. They are different and unique unto themselves.

The second problem is a matter of development. The thoughts of a 5 year old child and the thoughts of an adult do not belong to the same world. One shall be plagued by many trials and tribulations. The other shall have developed competent measures of success. It is foremost the experience of the road traveled...[and this implies???....] And yes, any words and reasoning will be of little value for those worlds are truly different and separate by necessity. Hence smiles and walls maybe the only and best form of communication between the a adult and the child. Hence it is a matter of development...that road traveled, that water under the bridge.

** So don’t stop thinking...Always know that there are new and different perspectives.
Know that you picture is not prefect...Know and understand that it is foremost unperfect and
that "walking the path" is always better than running the mouth. **   

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Practice is -

And so I go back to proverbs or simple sayings...How often is the simple neglected?! I know with confidence that it is a lack of practice that sinks us every time. Repeat after me:
Practice is Everything...! In every sense of the word. Anyone who proclaims that you should retain and have mastery with “ a single coat of paint” is a fool. The teacher, the spouse, the boss,
the preacher all say “Did you not hear my words the first time??!!” Self evident only unto themselves... They understand not the true value of repetition. Never in school in their lives did they not hear and comprehend all the words that were spoken to them!.. Why is this societal flaw constantly perpetuated time and time again.

 As a teacher I have learned to expect and force questions. They are in fact just the beginning sparks of interest. It is my job to fan and fan and fan them into a flame of learning...
And yes again that flame aways need more wood! It’s a continuing and ongoing process and nothing less. And yes there are some who get it the first time through. Their ears perhaps better attuned than others and they are not the many as one would think. But getting and perfecting are miles apart and practice is the only guarantee that the required knowledge is maintained close at hand when needed.

**Listening is only a sign that the ears are accepting words. Understanding is the manifestation of a work in progress and nothing less**           

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Modern Money Fallacy

The modern money fallacy

You do not eliminate money problems by acquiring more money, hence pouring more sand into a bag with holes in the bottom is a “container problem” and not a sand -problem... And who is it that is fundamentally responsible for those holes- those holes which your hard earned money constantly pours? You can’t figure out what the holes are? ...and how to close them? Is it that you have been led astray? Is not the equation: Close the holes and the money accumulates???

So it is that you are on the road to fortune. The rich say “Our supply of sand is so large that we need not worry about any holes in our bags”. “Hence our leasure is so great we now seek to make the holes in our bags even larger as in a competition”...and yes my coffee table is now larger and more opulent  than yours! Somehow I fail to see this train of thought as intelligent...More so another form of ignorance?...

 Final note: You need to find, and control those holes that keep empty your nest egg.
In addition you must farther seek ways in which to close and eliminate those holes in
every way possible. Make no mistake the deck is stacked against you in every way and at every corner. Media, work, friends and even your spouse will work against you in their ignorance.

 You need to stop being your own worst enemy. It’s not easy but you need to resume control of
your destiny...lest you sink.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Buried Dangers in Specialization

The Over Specialized Lone Woodsman...

Let us now envision our modern form of specialization in the life of the “lone woodsman”.

We shall restrict him to the task of only collecting and cutting wood for his fire place. He shall do nothing but collect wood everyday,every week and every month. He now becomes out of balance. The varied  life sustaining jobs like getting food maintaining his shelter are out of the picture and now they are completely neglected. It is written in the book of nature that neglecting of this life balance any of these skills shall end life. So how important is this?

 He now the custodian of and ever growing pile of wood. He now has no food, water and soon will starve. Now let us farther narrow and focus into cutting and gathering only oak trees a particular kind of wood. He now becomes his very own worst enemy. Loosing scope and vision of what life requires he now practices insanity. Now we will farther increase the insanity by adding competing oak tree cutters into the very same woods. We have now increased his difficulties by ten fold. He has been beaten badly before he takes a single step into the woods!

Nature demands a group of skills for life and never just one. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Foundations 6

 Specialization The Double Edge Sword

If I lived in the woods alone it would be life sustaining to be proficient at certain skills. Growing food, hunting, building shelters... hence there is variation built into these basic life sustaining jobs from the very start. Specialization is a necessity and life sustaining function.

The theory was that specialization could only grow to become the number one system for all. The basic set  life skills could now be farmed out to others. The trouble was no one thought that there could be a downside to all the promise of good that specialization archived. In short specialization is a fruit vine out of control or like a child not kept in check. Painful to prune the vine or discipline the child but so very necessary.

What is it that would grow neglected by the farming out of skills? Why is it that ones life focus should grow to become so narrow? What is the danger of ones life becoming too narrow? Limiting the scope of your vision is walking down the road toward blindness. Farther and farther limiting choices. Becoming more and more cog- like in the grand societal machine...ever narrowing in function and scope. Does this sound familiar?  Can not you reach deep down in inside yourself and feel that something is wrong?    

Friday, October 4, 2013

Man Alone -Ubuntu

As I look for support for my convictions it seems that the world itself has come to my aid.
So I now stand in complete conviction that so many are on the wrong road. It’s not about competition. It never was. Competition shouts: “It’s all about me!” “I am better than you!”
It screams of the self alone and as we have seen that equals death and destruction.

(I found this online-  How incredibly apropo!)

An anthropologist proposed a game to the kids in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the kids that who ever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: ''UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?''~

'UBUNTU' in the Xhosa culture means: "I am because we are"

Apparently this kind of brotherhood is fostered by nature itself if left alone. This kind of behavior of individuals in the present day world is unheard and is shocking...and none can see it for what it really is.
It is so very sad.

 "I AM BECAUSE WE ARE" -How incredibly profound!

Friday, September 27, 2013



We have to start somewhere. You learn this sooner or later.
It’s just a matter of time. To understand scope you must have vision.
The blind man knows little of his place. The more you see the more you understand.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Foundations 5

The Faulty Foundations

In society something is amuck. All the evidence is there. I hope that you know and understand that our problems are deep rooted. That is that there is no easy fix. No bandaid solutions exist.
And because the problem is deep rooted its’ errors has spread upward in many directions.

To conclude the the machine should be scraped is ludacris and crazy. Too much good has been
archived. Natural law states that ALL shall come to some use. A deep rooted problem reports that much time was involved in its’ failing. So it is that a reverse healing will require at least as much time and pressure. Will changing society will be too challenging? Are the walls too high and too long? What do you have control of anymore? Do you have control of yourself? You must have control of you lest there is no help.          

Friday, August 30, 2013

MAN ALONE part 8

And so sharing out is given because it is required for all life...Because there are life needs that must be filled. The slightest glimpse of nature should make this very apparent.
Therefore the lack of needs or the condition of all needs sated or filled moves us in the very opposite direction. This guarantees no help given. Why? You don’t need it! Thus no relationship planted. No brotherhood born...And nothing is fostered. The very reasons for sharing out are annihilated. At this level sharing out in not an option. To consider sharing out as an individual option is to tear down or destroy that very wall which guarantees our survival. There is in fact no other option other than choosing to die alone.  

Thursday, August 29, 2013

MAN ALONE part 7

Man alone  part 7

This “sharing out” of you is the  basic act that provide the support and the help of a continued   existence. This is the beginning seed of all human relationships. There is no other. This act of help forms that essential connective tissue between two like souls. It is the very birth place of brotherly love. So how is it I ask you once again that the number of men should alter, change, the reality of this equation of life? How is it that time itself should detract from this? Brother, what is it that has caused you to loose sight of the very root of life???    

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MAN ALONE part 6

 I repeat this paragraph [in part 5] with a forced reason. It is my deepest concern that you do not take this lightly. It needs to be written into your DNA. Burnt into your mind. Eternally fixed in your soul. It can not change.

It is written that no God shall be feeding you grapes. You are called to act.   Apparently you are not free to do nothing. A course is set before you. At this level upon this earth your brother is your life! I ask you with great conviction: How is it that this could or should ever change? What justification? What fabrication? What insanity could you bring to this table? ...And “the number” of you make some difference? ...And “time” changes everything? How far from the very root of life do you now stand?!!!

Part 5  Man Alone

So let us refine the basic equation: The sharing out of you = life = a measure of sacrifice by you.
No, you can not keep all the food for yourself!  So it is at this level ...
 “A measure of sacrifice by you” secures help for you in survival without which you would otherwise perish. Once again note that there is no option here. No abundance of freedoms! Yes, I choose not to starve. This equation is the very tap root of all men. It has no nationality. No color. No religion. Those luxuries exist far beyond this simple water of life... This equation is foremost a wall of towering constraint for all men that has been forgotten, buried and suppressed over time...And so there is great cause for alarm.

Monday, August 26, 2013


“Our society is a construction of a wooden platform” ... A holding and a constraining structure for humans. A deck for humans.
The deck dwellers now many generations past... removed and now high above and far away from the planet that brought them into being. They have now become aliens to their very own planet. As long as this wood structure holds they are able to carry on with their "deck-life". Helpless, blind, senseless, robotically existing in a sterilized world. Flat-world walkers where there exist hills nor dirt. What salvation is there for the deck dweller? What words spoken or written out could make any difference? Their only frame of reference is miles away and forgotten. In order to look for something you need to know that it exist lest all your searching be in vain!
Is any change possible with this alien form of human or do we just wait for the deck to collapse.
..And so the the clock ticks...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

MAN ALONE part 5

So let us refine the basic equation: The sharing out of you = life = a measure of sacrifice by you.
No, you can not keep all the food for yourself!  So it is at this level ...
 “A measure of sacrifice by you” secures help for you in survival without which you would otherwise perish. Once again note that there is no option here. No abundance of freedoms! Yes, I choose not to starve. This equation is the very tap root of all men. It has no nationality. No color. No religion. Those luxuries exist far beyond this simple water of life... This equation is foremost a wall of towering constraint for all men that has been forgotten, buried and suppressed over time.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Foundations part 3

Equation:  Life on the deck = a false reality.

All of those who dwell on the deck have developed clean feet. This came as a result of not touching or not coming in contact with any dirt of the earth. Now they have come to believe that
“clean feet” is the new normal...They also have come to prefer flat surfaces. They now abhor dirt and hills and valleys of any kind. They now conform to a new and very limited, distorted dependent world. The deck separates, alienates, and imprisons them in its’ flat, clean little world.
Delusioned, imprisoned and most of all helpless they live in a false reality. It is written that all feet that walk upon this earth shall become dirty. It is a requirement for coming to terms and understanding our earth. And that is a privilege and not a hindrance... A very sad life indeed they have and so very plain to see.

Monday, August 19, 2013

MAN ALONE part 4

 Although it pains me to do so, I shall reduce this to an equation. Your Life = A sharing out. It is a constant. Your continued existence depends on it. If then it is written in stone that your life requires a sharing out then ANY form of selfishness gives rise to the destruction of the relationship between you and your brother man. Hence THAT guarantees the death and destruction of all. That beginning of “selfishness” is the undermining of all. And so it is that your brothers shall say. How is this that you keep extra food for yourself alone?! 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

MAN ALONE part 3

So beyond all reasonable doubt this “sharing out” of our common life [or better said as common living] pursuit is no option... And God bless “that common”... the extra hand... the extra help lest I bear that burden of living all alone. This is the true relationship between man and his earth. I do not make this up. It comes from no book. It is and should be self evident beyond all measure! Any other course should be considered insanity. It is in fact a law of laws. It is a “must do”. It is a fundamental of a continued living.
To ignore it. To forget it. To pretend that it does not exist would be the greatest act of foolishness.

And how is it that this requirement of life should ever be lessened or ever changed in any way shape or form over time? The advent of additional hands to the task of simple existence should be no less than a triple blessing... And so on. So how is it that the crystal clarity of this vision of blessed brotherhood be diluted, forgotten and suppressed in our civilization over the years? And I ask you again how is this possible?

Friday, August 9, 2013


You and the Earth

There is a relationship between you and the earth that for the most part has
been forgotten. It is as if I had built a wooden platform or a deck in my backyard
so that my feet need never touch the dirt again. No matter how much I reside on my deck the dirt is not going away. I can forget about the dirt and its’ qualities for a long while but the dirt is not going away. Generations can be raised on that deck as long as it stands but the dirt is still not going away. If anything, a great disservice has been handed to the next generation because they know very little about how and why the deck was built...And the dirt is still not going away. And as generations upon the deck continue we know less and less about the dirt, the very foundation upon which the deck sits... Our society is that wooden platform... and that dirt upon which it stands is Our Earth. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013


What good is a man alone?
One man alone in the world is anything but a free man. His walls are many.
His humanness constrains him on all sides.
He alone responsible for his shelter...
He alone responsible for his food...
He alone responsible for his clothes...You don’t know how? . Can you live without these? No. Are you lacking? Yes.
If you are a pioneer mountain man are you still lacking? Yes.
His humanness still constrains him on all sides. No break in hunting.
No break in collecting firewood...No hope in sharing out any task because there is no other
for a man alone. Is he going to propagate?  No, he’s going to die off. Is he going to master the
world?  No... He will shortly die. He will run short of food. He will not stack enough wood.
He will fall prey to the environment. One can only conclude that act of sharing-out is “the
way of life” ...The only way of hope for any and every man!.. And so it is that one man say to the other "I can not live without you"... No choice... No option... It is not hard to understand?.. No doubt it has been terribly forgotten. It is the very root of sociality. The very beginning of brotherhood... There is no  helping hand for a man alone... and soon you will perish.
 And so it is that one man say to the other “I can not live without you” At this so very basic level of life, is there any room for choice or the freedom of man?... Yes, it is but to choose life or death. There is no seed bed here for the fostering individualism or self interest...a "not sharing" on your part guarantees your death and demise. The sharing out out of you, brings you a chance at life. God bless the sharing out... Now alone I don’t have to collect all the fire wood all by myself...All the hunting all by myself...The building of shelter all by myself. There is now another of my own...Not dog nor horse...but of my flesh...the very same as me...God bless the world for another me-A brother of my flesh...Now I will have help...God bless help for without it I soon perish. And so it is at this so very basic level we only succeed together. Apart we doom ourselves to failure and death.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


What good is a man alone?
One man alone in the world is anything but a free man. His walls are many.
His humanness constrains him on all sides.
He alone responsible for his shelter...You don’t know how to build a shelter?
He alone responsible for his food...You don’t know how make food?
He alone responsible for his clothes...You don’t know how? Sorry.
Can you live without these? No. Are you lacking? Yes.
If you are a pioneer mountain man are you still lacking? Yes.
His humanness still constrains him on all sides. No break in hunting.
No break in collecting firewood...No hope in sharing out any task because there is no other
for a man alone. Is he going to propagate? No, he’s going to die off. Is he going to master the
world? No he will shortly die. He will run short of food. He will not stack enough wood.
He will fall prey to the environment. One can only conclude that act of sharing-out is “the
way of life” ...The only way of hope for any and every man!..And so it is that one man say to the other "I can not live without you"...No choice...No option...How can this in anyway be that hard to understand?... No doubt it has been terribly forgotten. It is the very root of sociality. The very beginning of brotherhood...There is no  helping hand for a man alone...and soon you will perish.   

Monday, August 5, 2013


Is your survival an option?
And so there are certain things you in fact must do...No option.

I referred to these as “basic needs”. In in reality the words “basic needs” are a bad description.
They are in fact” basic do’s”. They are a call to action. “Basic needs” is a static condition.
It is most correct to say that you must do something or act in some way to avoid death
Again no option. The basic do’s are an ongoing process...There is no time where you can stop doing them lest you perish. Again no option.

The basic do’s involve certain constraints...e.g. We are not able to eat rocks. We do not breathe water. That is that we are bound by certain conditions for a “continued existence”. No options.
These basic do’s are common to all men...No one escapes them. No options.
This is the foundation for life. I am seeing very little evidence of a free will or a free man.
I see a man who is tied up in so very many ways. If there is any slack in the ropes of his constraint, it is small yet still tied to consequence. Hence if you don’t eat now you will be starving later...Yet the present day world touts of freedoms, choices and individual pursuits beyond measure. Is there something wrong here? Is there something amuck? I am not smelling trouble at the very root of civilization?

All this constraint of which I speak, implies a path or road. Any measure of time implies movement. And so it is that we float or swim in a stream to a destination unseen...and once again no option.   

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

We need to redefine this term “proverb” and its’ implications: At face value it’s awful. It sounds like something you should learn in English class...A part of speech...That tells us next to nothing!

A concrete saying...This brings to mind a picture of concrete- very hard and solid...Why is it hard and solid and who is it that is doing the saying??? It is known among many and is repeated...It does nothing to tell us why? I find that this definition raises more questions than answers.

Let us reexamine this and fill in some of the blanks. e.g.  “A stitch in time saves nine”
Obviously this saying has its’ roots in sewing or stitchery. Most applicable to socks and the holes they develop over time.

 And one can pretty much imagine how the saying came about. But the most important thing is how it archived its’ “concrete status” ...And that it not only applies to socks, but to millions of other things. In truth the “saying” represents a discipline. An applicable life long discipline at best. It states that small problems should not be ignore lest they become too big to handle. You are the one to draw the line as to when you should act. Wait a moment too long and now you are thrown out of balance. So in essence it is a saying that helps you maintain life balance and THAT my friend is so very important.      

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Time for EVERY purpose

I have to tell the kids at school all the time...This is not the Time for socializing and talking...And it is true that most of them know what they should be doing...So it really is not a question of Knowing. They choose socialization which is not a bad thing in itself...but it is a matter of not understanding Time and Place... And unfortunately most classroom seating placements encourages socialization over individual focus. Unfortunately this favors the strong willed and leaves the “easily distracted” student vulnerable to distraction. Focus is nothing more than self discipline. You make it harder on yourself by where you choose to practice it and when...Yes, Yes, Yes.. It has a proper Time and Place...By not finding that Time and Place you become your own worst enemy...A Time for Every Purpose.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


JEALOUSY = Admiration gone sour. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Results primarily from always looking outward...Seeking an outside object or person to blame.
An inability to look  inward. An inability to face and resolve problems within “the self”.
It is as if you were just learning how to cook...YOU choose to make cookies...YOU choose to add THIS ingredient and not THAT... YOU are going to make mistakes. It’s going to taste bad...That is how it is supposed to be...There is no lowering of the bar for YOU. The lowering of the bar would hurt you. Grants you that which YOU do not deserve. It grants you a deeper fall the next time making it ever more difficult to get up and try again. It makes YOU your own worst enemy. You must learn to eat your own cookies and learn from them. That’s life.  

Monday, July 29, 2013


A Proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

Many have forgotten the value of the “Proverb” What was it’s purpose? What was the reason for their existence? The older generations can remember quite a few of these- [ A stitch in _____, The early bird gets the______.”] But the “now generation” have very little knowledge of these...Less and less each day... Unfortunately they reek of being “ archaic” and of course the younger generations always see “their road” as new and different. And yes, we were all once there.

In the definition it is “a simple and concrete saying...” I take this to mean ”that given knowledge or a way of thinking which was boiled down for daily use... Condensed common knowledge which when ad-heard to and follow would delivered success. Like a “Golden Thought Key” -when inserted in the proper place opened the door of success. In the future I am going to attempt here to exstreapulate the hidden gold buried within some of these sayings...And maybe a new appreciation of their value. “Only Time Well Tell” ...right!