Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Porverbs revisited

The Proverb Revisited:

A Proverb (from Latin: proverbium) is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

 A stitch in time saves nine. Let us see the value. How much does this really have to do with
sewing...Sure it works for the seamstress...Hence: Sew the hole up before it gets worse. But this applies to thousands of other things. So thinking its’ application in sewing only is mostly a mistake. That was not why the proverb was created.

The "true name" of any proverb is:  “A key that will make your life easier”...or in this case fix the problem when it starts or pay the consequence later. And this is all self evident and we all know it to be true. But that is not the  problem. The true problem is that these words are just a mere signpost or a direction  just as one would find on a street corner. It has no or little value unless you take action. It must be done, and then do it again and then again until its’ value can be seen and felt. Such as any road that is just seen but never gone down. No expirence no learning.  Our forefathers knew this about how we learn things. We learn little about a road that is never gone down. So a proverb is summation or refined expirence of the road travled because they knew it would be forgotten over time. So in fact this proverb is no more than a signpost in disguise. It seeks to prevent you from becoming your own worst enemy.

But it demands action lest nothing be resolved...Not once but many times. So I can ascertain that for the most part the words are meaningless for they just impart a particular direction and the action is in fact everything. So in fact you can’t learn it unless you do it.
And you have known that all along...

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