Monday, August 26, 2013


“Our society is a construction of a wooden platform” ... A holding and a constraining structure for humans. A deck for humans.
The deck dwellers now many generations past... removed and now high above and far away from the planet that brought them into being. They have now become aliens to their very own planet. As long as this wood structure holds they are able to carry on with their "deck-life". Helpless, blind, senseless, robotically existing in a sterilized world. Flat-world walkers where there exist hills nor dirt. What salvation is there for the deck dweller? What words spoken or written out could make any difference? Their only frame of reference is miles away and forgotten. In order to look for something you need to know that it exist lest all your searching be in vain!
Is any change possible with this alien form of human or do we just wait for the deck to collapse.
..And so the the clock ticks...

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