Tuesday, August 6, 2013


What good is a man alone?
One man alone in the world is anything but a free man. His walls are many.
His humanness constrains him on all sides.
He alone responsible for his shelter...You don’t know how to build a shelter?
He alone responsible for his food...You don’t know how make food?
He alone responsible for his clothes...You don’t know how? Sorry.
Can you live without these? No. Are you lacking? Yes.
If you are a pioneer mountain man are you still lacking? Yes.
His humanness still constrains him on all sides. No break in hunting.
No break in collecting firewood...No hope in sharing out any task because there is no other
for a man alone. Is he going to propagate? No, he’s going to die off. Is he going to master the
world? No he will shortly die. He will run short of food. He will not stack enough wood.
He will fall prey to the environment. One can only conclude that act of sharing-out is “the
way of life” ...The only way of hope for any and every man!..And so it is that one man say to the other "I can not live without you"...No choice...No option...How can this in anyway be that hard to understand?... No doubt it has been terribly forgotten. It is the very root of sociality. The very beginning of brotherhood...There is no  helping hand for a man alone...and soon you will perish.   

1 comment:

  1. Sent here from Reddit! Really enjoying your writing, can't wait to read more! Keep it up!
