Tuesday, August 27, 2013

MAN ALONE part 6

 I repeat this paragraph [in part 5] with a forced reason. It is my deepest concern that you do not take this lightly. It needs to be written into your DNA. Burnt into your mind. Eternally fixed in your soul. It can not change.

It is written that no God shall be feeding you grapes. You are called to act.   Apparently you are not free to do nothing. A course is set before you. At this level upon this earth your brother is your life! I ask you with great conviction: How is it that this could or should ever change? What justification? What fabrication? What insanity could you bring to this table? ...And “the number” of you make some difference? ...And “time” changes everything? How far from the very root of life do you now stand?!!!

Part 5  Man Alone

So let us refine the basic equation: The sharing out of you = life = a measure of sacrifice by you.
No, you can not keep all the food for yourself!  So it is at this level ...
 “A measure of sacrifice by you” secures help for you in survival without which you would otherwise perish. Once again note that there is no option here. No abundance of freedoms! Yes, I choose not to starve. This equation is the very tap root of all men. It has no nationality. No color. No religion. Those luxuries exist far beyond this simple water of life... This equation is foremost a wall of towering constraint for all men that has been forgotten, buried and suppressed over time...And so there is great cause for alarm.

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